OK we all know that to become a celebrity the ability to be pushy, outrageous and grab the headlines in tabloids is the key to getting noticed but to become a true celebrity, that is someone with a real talent that gets noticed, requires a lot more than just playing up to the paparazzi It is a given that there are many, many people endowed with a god given gift as actors, artists, entertainers, brilliant novelists or even just stunningly beautiful that hardly ever hit the gossip columns or Hello Magazine despite their wonderful attributes. It is also a given that there are an extraordinary number of celebrities, some of whom are very, very minor that have absolutely no other talent than the ability to get noticed. The rewards of being celebrity eye candy can be huge, going to the best parties, making a good living and even bagging a rich husband is possible.
Many of the truly talented are confident enough in their own abilities and success that they can afford to hide their light under a bushel but what of the rest. The truth lies somewhere between having a strong desire to succeed in the material world, overwhelming self confidence, and recognizing that they are likely to come up short in the talent stakes. Posh Spice, or is it Mrs. Beckham, comes to mind. Having ambition to get a better life is to be admired, even if many of us question the type of life that they aspire to, but then each to their own.
Self confidence is another attribute to admire, without it the road to success in any field is much harder to achieve and sustain. That just leaves talent and if that is present it has to be nurtured, and who is to say that the ability to get to celebrity status, however minor, is not a talent? Celebrities have to start off with giving the impression of having an outgoing personality, whatever else they may lack, this is a must. To get yourself into the limelight is not difficult if you behave outrageously and are very pushy. You cannot worry about being liked , just develop a thick skin. Think of Bill Clintons dalliance, now that lady has done very well out of being a little naughty.
Remember the incident of the toe sucker ?? sexual aberration. Not long afterward a Royal enjoyed the same experience and even though the attention given to the admirer of this lovely lady, he was not an attention seeker, in fact he was a wealthy and successful man, he reluctantly became an overnight celebrity but has now lived it down. Having good looks helps a lot and is the next most important attribute necessary for a celebrity career. Now a lot of women may have the personality, the self confidence and the desire to succeed in hitting the gossip columns on a permanent basis but feel a bit ´iffy´ about their looks. If you have the will you have the way to ignore the fact that your looks could be better. It might take a little help from your favorite plastic surgeon but think what its done for Jordan, this lady has had the complete makeover and what a success.
If you can find some ´before and after´ pictures this shows a complete transformation from ´ordinaire´ to utterly desirable. No wonder she is in the papers or on TV or is in this glossy or the other and there is hardly a day when she doesn't get a mention. And she has become a very successful lady! Now we all know about breast enhancement and it is usually obvious, having the buns lifted and tummy tucks are not quite as noticeable but when the face goes under the knife as well then a ´dog´ can turn into the sexiest woman that no red blooded man could ignore "" and men rule the media! And here is the point of this article, it is the eyes and their surroundings that have the most impact, however perfect the body it is the face that is the turn on, can you imagine the paparazzi bothering to photograph anybody whose face is forgettable just because they have a body to die for? Well I can't think of anybody - well maybe Arnie! And the centre of attention is always the eyes, it is not only when we meet people in the flesh, it is when we look at the photos of celebrities in the papers and magazines, or when they appear on TV we are all drawn to the eyes and their immediate surroundings. So for any aspiring celebrities out there just make sure that your eyes look good, give them allure and mystery, then work on the other lifestyle ideas that we've talked about. If you get celebrity status let us know - we have ways and means of getting your name and face known worldwide.
If you don't ask you don't get and you have nothing to lose.
Jaks Lloyd is the author of this article which may be viewed on her website http://www.eyebeautytips.com